Haaris Pace

Enough failed attempts! Join and start making life changing success

Your first step of the journey begins here

The secret ingredient is balance

Take control of the chaos, starting off with your health. “Im overweight!, it will be too difficult” “im too old for this” The 0BS Method is designed to fit around YOU. It will make you lose 10 kilos in 3 months from the comfort of your home! O equipment is required so no gym feesno travel and no setup time! By combining HIIT and bodyweight movements you will achieve your dream weight goal and you will be gifted superhuman strength, so you can do skills such as the crow pose, L sit and handstands.

I will be by your side all of the way

+5 years of experience

The 0BS method understands You and is programmed to work around You. Fit it in your work break or a quick stress relief from dealing with the kids. 30 minutes using this method replaces 2 hours of training forcing you to supercharge your energy levels so you can be effective in prioritising and tackling tasks throughout your day. 

Cheat time and not your health, join the 0BS Crew and sign up below!

Whoever travels without a guide needs 2 hundred years for a 2 day journey


Make that 2 day journey, sign up below, achieve and stay on top.